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LaVonda  Bost
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Principal's Corner

Welcome to AMS!

Welcome to Anadarko Middle School where we strive to provide an environment of academic integrity by promoting AMS Warrior PRIDE. We realize that honest, individual effort is the basis for true learning.   During their middle school years while we have the opportunity to work with our students, our goals include helping them grow in the following areas: Personal accountability, Resepect, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence. We ask that all of our students agree to put forth their best effort into upholding the AMS Honor Code.


Anadarko Middle School strives to provide an environment of academic integrity by promoting Warrior PRIDE---Personal accountability, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence. Realizing that honest, individual effort is the basis for true learning and educational fairness, A.M.S. students agree to abide by our Honor Code:

As an Anadarko Middle School student, I will uphold the A.M.S. PRIDE principles by exhibiting integrity in my decisions, taking responsibility for my actions, and showing respect for others.

Recognizing the value of education and academic integrity, I will not submit work that is not my own; I will not plagiarize, and I will neither provide nor seek unauthorized assistance on assignments or tests. I understand that failure to adhere to the Honor Code will result in a failing grade on the assignment, may be reported to other school organizations of which I am involved, and may result in further disciplinary action.

The middle school environment serves as somewhat of a bridge between elementary and secondary school. Our students go through many physical and emotional changes during this time of their lives. While these young people may want and at times require less supervision, we encourage you to remain very active in their lives. Our doors are always open and you are welcome to be actively involved in their activities.

We believe we have the finest staff at the middle school. Our teachers are committed to providing each student with a top quality education. Supports are in place to ensure that each student can be successful in reaching their maximum potential. As a team, parents, students, and staff; we can open the doors to the future “the Warrior Way-Every Student, Every Day”.

LaVonda Bost, Principal